Wednesday 27 February 2013

Sesame Glutinous Ball

  Sesame Glutinous Ball  (芝麻黄金球(煎堆)

The Northern chinese likes savoury fillings like mince meat and vegetables are usually their ingredients whereas the Southern chinese likes them with sweet fillings often consists of sugar, osmanthus flower. sweet tangerine peel and  sesame seeds, red bean paste, peanut are more often used.
I am making the simple version which is just as good. It is made into different shape for difference filling, the round ones are filled with peanuts and sugar, the dumpling shaped ones are filled with vegetable and the oblong ones are filled with red bean paste. I love the savoury ones, it is slight sweet from the chewy crispy skin and a crunchy savoury vegetable filling inside but Shawn love the peanuts one. He loves the aroma of the peanut once bite, it is a bit chewy crispy outside and full of peanut aroma inside :p I believe you have seen these 'jian dui' in Dim Sum restaurant. DIY it will also give you the taste of the 'dim sum restaurant. Sesame balls?? Oops! i have run out of sesame seeds so i did not coat them with sesame seeds. 

昨天的昨天是元宵节了... 年过完了
不过我想每户家庭都希望带着'年年有余,  合家安康,  金玉满堂' 过这新的一年.
而在广东呢, 犹如北方人过年的饺子, 家家都要吃. 故有'年晚煎堆'. 人有我有谚. 这一习俗流传至今.

 北方人爱吃咸的馅如肉碎和菜如沙葛而南方人切爱吃甜的馅如糖, 芝麻, 桂花, 甜橙皮, 豆沙和花生. 今天分享的是简单的煎堆的内馅有三种...花生,  黑豆沙,  菜(沙葛), 我呢! 喜欢菜的, 菜是咸的而煎堆皮是微甜的, 外皮是微甜而香脆, 吃起来就咸带点甜又QQ脆..好吃\(^^)/

Sesame Glutinous Ball

  1. 300g glutinous rice flour
  2. 1 tbsp wheat flour (tang mian)
  3. 75g corn oil
  4. 100g castor sugar
  5. 200 ml boiling hot water


Peanuts filling:

  1. 120g peanuts
  2. 50g castor sugar
  3. 30g butter

  • 1. Stir fried peanuts in a pan or wok without oil until it is cooked. Remove the skin and let the peanuts cool before blend. Blend the cooked peanuts in a food processor into fine crumbs and add sugar to mixed well.
  • 2. Add in butter and combine well. Roll them round about into 10g each.Red bean filling .. this is store bought
  • Roll this filling a 10g each round balls.

Vegetable filling:

  1. 200g sengkuang (yam bean)~peeled and shredded
  2. 1 tbsp fish sauce
  3. 1/2 big onion~peeled and chopped finely
  4. 1 tbsp dried shrimp~soaked, drained and chopped finely
  5. 1/3 tsp salt
  6. dashes of pepper

To do:
1) In a wok add in some cooking oil saute big onion, dried shrimp till it is fragrance.
2) Add in sengkuang, stir fried till it is soften, add in fish sauce, pepper and salt. Taste, if you like it a bit more salty you may add more fish suace. (please adjust the saltiness to your own liking) Dish up and set aside for later use.

To do:

1. Put glutinous flour, wheat flour, sugar and corn oil into a mixing bowl and mixed well. Pour in hot water, stir until it is well mixed. Knead into a smooth dough.

2. Divide into 35 portions and form into small balls about 20g each) Wrap up peanuts filling and rolled lightly into a round ball shape, wrap up red bean paste and rolled into oblong shape and as for vegetable filling, wrapped 1 tsp of vegetable filling and shaped it into a dumpling shape. With difference shaped you can easily recognize in difference fillings.

3. Dip the wrapped 'jian dui' into water and coat them with sesame seeds.

4. Heat up oil for deep frying. When the oil is hot, turn the fire to low. Slowly drop the 'jian dui' into the hot oil. (deep fry in batches for easy handling) Once the out layer of the 'jian dui' have turn lightly golden,about 1 minute(please refer to the picture below) then start to stir frequently and also turn up the fire to medium high.Keep stiring until it is golden.  Dish, drain and serve warm with a cuppa of kopi o or warm chinese tea..:D


是由Zoe (Bake for Happy Kids)和我(my little favourite DIY)主办的. 
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三月份是我主持我的第一个活动, 活动主题是'番窃'



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