Friday 8 March 2013

Disney Donettes

Disney Donettes

This post brought to you by Hostess Cakes. All opinions are 100% mine.

We are having so much fun at Disneyland right now! The Christmas decorations are getting us all in the Christmas spirit and the boys are having so much fun riding all the rides! We got our Fast Passes this morning for Radiator Springs Racers so we’ll be on that ride later this afternoon – can’t wait!

If you recall, last August when we went to Disneyland, it was a surprise trip for the boys. We waited until the morning we were leaving and woke them up early to tell them we were going to Disneyland. Part of the surprise included a box of donuts that said “We are going to Disneyland!” Well, this trip has been planned since early Spring and although the boys knew about this trip I thought it would be fun to include donuts as part of our “getting ready to go” celebration. I picked up some Hostess Apple Cinnamon Donettes while doing some last minute shopping on Friday and was so excited to see what I could come up with to suprise the boys.

While Chris and the boys got the car all packed up on Saturday, I made up these “Disney” Donettes using some super yummy Apple Cinnamon Donettes {wow these are good!} and my hubby’s favorite, Frosted Devil’s Food Cake Donettes for Mickey’s face. I melted some black Wilton’s melting chips and free-formed some ears. After the ears hardened, I simply inserted them into the donettesand Disney Donettes were born!

Once the boys made it back inside and got all washed up, I suprised them with the Disney Donettes and we settled down to watch a movie – Disney, of course! I put a few of the donettes onto sticks and that was so easy to do and make the donettes feel even more special. Needless to say, I had a couple of happy little boys on my hands!

There are so many precious little moments in our lives that pass by without notice or celebration. Whether it’s acing a spelling test, watching a movie together as a family, or just cuddling up on the couch together and enjoying each other’s company. These are the very moments that are deserving of “small celebrations” and it’s so easy to do with Hostess Apple Cinnamon Donettes. My boys loved the yummy Apple Cinnamon flavor and of course they think they are getting a HUGE treat when they get donettes! It’s such an easy way to show my family that I care and that I am noticing the small moments as well as the big.


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