Sunday, 24 February 2013

Out of the Park Baseballs {Recipe}|veggieworld |spon

Out of the Park Baseballs {Recipe}|veggieworld |spon

  • The recipe is super simple and I was hoping to help Reece get over his fear of peppers.  I love how simple it is to add Country Crock to veggie recipes and it adds so much flavor!  The recipe calls for a red bell pepper which I love to eat raw.  I let Reece see me munching away on them as I was preparing the recipe.  You basically make up mashed potatoes using Country Crock, sour cream, garlic, and salt and pepper. Mash it up until you get a consistency that will allow you to mold the potatoes into spheres (flat on one side).
  • I let the potatoes cool slightly while I prepped the red bell pepper.  I seeded it and then slices it very thin for the laces and cross-stitching.
  • I used an ice cream scoop to make the potatoes into a half sphere and placed them on a plate.
  • Finally I added the pepper strips and voila!  We’ve got baseballs folks!
  • They turned out so cute!  I love serving my kids food that are fun and I especially love being able to serve veggies to me kids without hiding them.  I want them to know what they are eating so they can see that the veggies taste good and there’s nothing to be afraid of.   Now the true test – will Reece eat a pepper?


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