Sunday 24 February 2013

Homemade Ritz Crackers

Homemade Ritz Crackers

  1. 2 cups of Ap flour
  2. 3 tsp baking powder
  3. 1 tbsp sugar
  4. 1 tsp salt
  5. 1 stick of butter divided {I used salted}
  6. 2/3 cup of whole milk
How To Do :-
  • In the bowl of a food processor
  • add the flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt
  • Pulse
  • Add 6 tbsp of cold butter
  • {cut into 1 tbsp size pieces}
  • Pulse
  • Add the milk a little at a time
  • Pulse - and the dough will begin to form a ball
  • on a lightly floured surface
  • roll out the dough as thin as you can
  • {I did not roll my quite thin enough}
  • cut into shapes
  • prick with a fork
  • bake on a parchment lined sheet for about 10 minutes @400
  • while they are cooking melt the remaining 2 tbsp of butter
  • as soon as the crackers are golden remove them from the oven
  • and brush with the melted butter

I prefer wheat thins myself,
but the kids LOVE their ritz,
{these are pretty darn good}
and tomorrow it's all about the kids

wish me luck:)


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